The Bewitching review

The Bewitching review

Being a fan of Silvia Moreno-Garcia's book Silver Nitrate, I was stoked to get an ARC of her next horror story, The Bewitching. My enthusiasm was rewarded with a gothic…
Queen O’Nine Tails review

Queen O’Nine Tails review

As a fan of The Flesh of the Sea, when Hedone posted it was looking for ARC readers for its next queer pirate excursion, I was ready! Queen O'Nine Tails…
Familiar review

Familiar review

I've read enough indie horror that when I see a new book from Ghoulish Press with a cover by Betty Rocksteady, I know its gonna be good. Familiar by Jeremy…
Coup de Grace review

Coup de Grace review

You ever look at a M. C. Escher print too long and feel something akin to vertigo when you look away, back to reality? That is what Sofia Ajram's new…
Bad Cree review

Bad Cree review

I picked up Bad Cree by Jessica Johns after seeing Naomi of From the Mixed Up Desk/Boozhoo recommend it on her TikTok and Instagram. Before I get into my review…
My Heart is a Chainsaw review

My Heart is a Chainsaw review

My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones is a love letter to slashers and lost girls.I can only review this book from my perspective which is through a…
Melon Head Mayhem review

Melon Head Mayhem review

Deep dive into a old horror b-movie in book form with Melon Head Mayhem by Alex Ebenstein! Disclaimer: I was able to read Melon Head Mayhem thanks to getting an…
The Worm and His Kings review

The Worm and His Kings review

You ever read a book and it change how you look at horror ever again? Change how you look at your own work as writer and know you will never…